• Understanding Common Sleep Challenges and Solutions

    Night Wakings


    Many parents struggle with frequent night wakings, leaving them feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. We understand the frustration of interrupted sleep and the impact it can have on the entire family. Through personalized sleep plans, we help parents identify the underlying reasons for night wakings and implement gentle strategies to encourage longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep.

    Nap Time Struggles

    Nap time can be a battle for some babies, leading to crankiness and fatigue throughout the day. We recognize the importance of establishing consistent nap routines and creating conducive sleep environments to promote restorative daytime sleep. By offering practical tips and techniques, we help parents navigate nap time struggles with confidence.

    Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

    As babies grow and develop, they eventually outgrow their cribs and transition to a big kid bed. This milestone can be both exciting and challenging for parents. We provide guidance on how to make this transition smooth and safe, ensuring that children feel comfortable and secure in their new sleep environment.

    Managing Sleep RegressionsSleep regressions, such as the infamous four-month sleep regression, can wreak havoc on a certified baby sleep consultant. We offer support and reassurance during these challenging periods, helping parents understand why regressions occur and how to navigate them effectively. By implementing consistent routines and offering comfort, we help families weather the storm of sleep regressions with confidence.


    Health Watch, a smart watch and personal health companion.

    Different watch straps and band designs to match a wide variety of watch faces.

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    Fully packed smartwatch that

    let's you stay connected longer.

    Your health and activity companion.


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    Sleep monitoring

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    Activity Tracking

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    Heart rate monitoring

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    H-Watch App

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    Idle alerts

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    Water resistant

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    Long battery life




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